Look  left to the 9 o'clock position then chamber the right fist,

wrist up, on the right hip and bring the left fist to a wrist down

position directly above the right wrist.


Pivot left into a left pinan stance facing the 9 o'clock position

and execute a left downward hammer fist strike to the collar bone



Step forward with the right leg into a right pinan stance facing

the 9 o'clock position and execute a right punch to the solar

plexus area.


Look right to the 3 o'clock position then step clockwise (right)

with the right foot into a right pinan stance facing 3 o'clock and

execute a right down block to the 3 o'clock position immediately

followed by a right hand middle out block.


Step forward with the left foot into a left pinan stance facing the

3 o'clock position and execute a left hand punch to the solar

plexus area.


Look left at the 12 o'clock position then step with the left leg

into a left pinan stance facing the 12 o'clock position and execute

a left hand down block to the 12 o'clock position.


Step forward with the right leg into a right pinan stance facing

the 12 o'clock position and execute a right hand high block.


Step forward with the left leg into a left pinan stance facing the

12 o'clock position and execute a left hand high block.


Step forward with the right foot into a right pinan stance facing

the 12 o'clock position and execute a right hand high block.


Look right at the 3 o'clock position then step counter clockwise

with the left foot (pivoting on the right foot) into a left pinan

stance facing the 3 o'clock position and execute a left hand down

block to the 3 o'clock position.


Look at the 1:30 clock position (45 degrees) then step with the

right foot into a right pinan stance facing the 1:30 clock position

(45 degrees) and execute a right hand high block.


Look right to the 9 o'clock position then step clockwise (right)

with the right foot into a right pinan stance facing the 9 o'clock

position and execute a right hand down block to the 9 o'clock



Look at the 7:30 clock position (45 degrees) then step with the

left foot into a left pinan stance facing the 7:30 position (45

degrees) and execute a left hand high block.


Look left  at the 6 o'clock position then step with the left foot

into a left pinan stance facing the 6 o'clock position and execute

a left hand down block to the 6 o'clock position.


Step forward with the right foot into a right pinan stance facing

the 6 o'clock position and execute a right punch to the solar

plexus area.


Step forward with the left foot into a left pinan stance facing the

6 o'clock position and execute a left hand punch to the solar

plexus area.


Step forward with the right foot into a right Zen Kutsu stance

facing the 6 o'clock position and execute a right hand punch to the

6 o'clock position. Kiai.


Look at the 9 o'clock position and then step counter clockwise

(left) with the left leg (pivot on the right) into a left pinan

stance facing 9 o'clock and execute a right hand right-to-left palm

block/grab of a kicking leg immediately followed by a slight upward

pull of the right hand and a left downward knife hand strike to an

area just above the knee of the trapped kicking leg.


Look right at the 10:30 clock position (45 degrees) then step

clockwise (right) into a right pinan stance facing the 10:30

position (45 degrees) and execute a left hand left-to-right palm

block/grab of a kicking leg immediately followed by a slight upward

pull of the left hand and a right downward knife hand strike to an

area just above the knee of the trapped kicking leg.


Look right to the 3 o'clock position and then step clockwise

(right) with the right leg into a right pinan stance facing 3

o'clock and execute a left hand left-to-right palm block/grab of a

kicking leg immediately followed by a slight upward pull of the

left hand and a right downward knife hand strike to an area just

above the knee of the trapped kicking leg.


Look left at the 1:30 clock position (45 degrees) then step with

the left foot into a left pinan stance facing the 1:30 clock

position (45 degrees) and execute a right hand right-to-left palm

block/grab of a kicking leg immediately followed by a slight upward

pull of the right hand and a left downward knife hand strike to an

area just above the knee of the trapped kicking leg.


Step back with left leg to face the 12 o'clock position

