Look left at the 9 o'clock position then step with right foot to

the 1:30 clock position and pivot left into a left pinan stance

facing 9 o'clock and execute a left middle out block followed by a

right reverse punch.


Step with right foot to 12 o'clock and pivot on the left foot into

a modified attention stance (feet together) facing 12 o'clock and

execute a right arm square block while chambering the left fist on

the left hip.  The right wristshould be approximately three inches

above the left fist, with wrists facing each other, at the

completion of the block.


Look right at the 3 o'clock position then step with the left foot

to the 10:30 clock position and pivot right into a right pinan

stance facing 3 o'clock and execute a right middle out block

followed by a left reverse punch.


Step forward with the left foot into a left pinan stance facing 12

o'clock and execute a right hand inward block immediately followed

by a left out block.  Leave the right hand/arm in the final

blocking position while executing the left hand out block.


Step forward with the right foot into a right pinan stance facing

12 o'clock and execute a left knuckles up punch to a kicking leg at

the 1 o'clock position immediately followed by a right knuckles up

punch to the same leg under the extended left arm.  Do not

rechamber the left fist in preparation for the right punch, leave

in the final punching position.


Step back with left foot into a horse stance facing 9 o'clock then

execute a left hand palm down trap of an opponents shoulder at the

12 o'clock position followed by a right ridge hand strike from

under the left arm to the neck at 12 o'clock and a right hand trap

of that area.  Smoothly pull both arms slightly back towards you

keeping palms down and fingers extended.


Pivot counter clockwise (right) on the left foot into a left pinan

stance facing 12 o'clock and execute a left hand down block to the

12 o'clock position.


Step back with the right foot into a horse stance facing 3 o'clock

and execute a left knife hand strike to 12 o'clock while chambering

the right hand on the right hip.


Execute a right leg outside-to-inside crescent kick to the left

hand open palm at 12 o'clock ending in a right pinan stance facing

12 o'clock then execute a right horizontal inward elbow strike to

the left hand open palm at 12 o'clock.


Step slightly forward with the right foot then bring the left leg

into a cosi dachi (right foot pointed at 12 o'clock and left heel

next to right toes pointed at 9 o'clock)facing 12 o'clock and move

left arm into a square block position then execute a right hammer

fist strike to the groin area at 12 o'clock (below the left arm)

immediately followed by a right hand back knuckle strike to the

head at 12 o'clock (over top of the left arm).


Keeping the arms in the same position as they ended the right over-

the-top back knuckle strike step to place left leg at the 9 o'clock

position then step counter clockwise (right) with the right foot

into a left pinan stance facing 3 o'clock.


Step slightly forward with the left foot then slightly forward with

the right foot into a left pinan stance facing 3 o'clock then

immediately drop to a right kneeling position (left knee up right

knee on floor, right knee should be even with the left toes) and

execute a left  hand down block/strike to the 3 o'clock position

followed by a right hand downward punch to the same area. Kiai.


Rise up and place the right leg at 6 o'clock to step into a horse

stance facing 3 o'clock and execute a left down block to the 12

o'clock position while chambering the right fist in a chin high

striking position.


Pivot counter clockwise (left) on the right foot to place the left

foot at the 6 o'clock position stepping into a horse stance facing

9 o'clock and execute a right  hand down block to the 12 o'clock

position while chambering the left fist in a chin high striking



Step back with right foot

